Advent u Zagrebu

Terms of use and privacy policy

Zagreb Tourist Board holds the rights to create and/or publish the content on and manage the following websites

The person using a website (hereinafter referred to as: the User), by using said websites, unconditionally agrees to these Terms of Use and is deemed to be in a position to accept these Terms of Use and to understand all the risks associated with the use of the content published and available on the website.

Use of content available on the websites (whether it is freely available to any User or restricted by the use of protected systems and information technology applications) is permitted solely in the manner and under the terms of these Terms of Use.

Any other use of content available on the websites is subject to appropriate legal protection and the application of appropriate and legally permissible measures against the User and/or third party benefiting from such use of the content available on the websites.

Published content

Texts, graphics, trademarks, logos, photographs, audio recordings, video recordings and other audiovisual content, computer applications and databases, as well as any other information or technical material shall be considered published and available website content regardless of how they are displayed, published, or made available to the User.

Intellectual property rights

Content published on the websites is protected by intellectual property laws and any unauthorized use thereof may be used as the basis for initiating a procedure for the protection of said rights against the User by the Zagreb Tourist Board or a third party authorized by the copyright holder. Zagreb Tourist Board will enable the display of the names of authors or right holders when publishing authored works in an optimal manner avoiding major costs or the implementation of special technical solutions.

Availability of websites

Zagreb Tourist Board can not guarantee the availability of its websites at any given time and through all types of devices and browsers as well as all communication networks. Websites may be wholly or partially inaccessible for shorter or longer periods of time due to technical and other reasons (maintenance, errors, inaccessibility of communication networks, higher power, decisions of public authorities, etc.). Zagreb Tourist Board cannot be held liable for any damages caused by the inaccessibility of its websites. Zagreb Tourist Board may at any time edit webpages in any way and in any form whatsoever, including making changes to visual identity, design and architecture, content management systems and other application solutions related to the functioning of the website.

Nature of published content and the responsibility of the Zagreb Tourist Board

Content published and available through this website is exclusively of informative nature and is obtained from sources that Zagreb Tourist Board considers to be reliable, without guarantee by the Zagreb Tourist Board of any kind, explicit or implied, that the content is accurate, timely, complete and/or suitable for a particular purpose or a particular kind of use. The User interacts with the said content solely at their own risk and the Zagreb Tourist Board cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use or interpretation of published content.

The published content and information in no way represent a bid or invitation to bid for trading or any other transaction related to the published content and information.

The manner and purpose of using content

Zagreb Tourist Board grants the User a limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to view, print, copy or otherwise use the content of these websites solely for their personal and non-commercial use, i.e. for the promotion of Zagreb as a tourist destination, under the condition that the User does not modify or devalue the content in any way (including by publishing it on websites featuring morally inappropriate content) and that the downloadable content mentions Zagreb Tourist Board as the source as well as the author's name.

Any other manner or purpose of content use is permitted only with the prior written consent of Zagreb Tourist Board and/or other legal copyright holders for the content, exclusively by the person to whom such consent has been given and in the manner and for the purpose specified in such consent documents.

No photo downloaded from these websites may be used for commercial purposes (creating tourist guides, postcards, and similar materials intended for direct sales).

In the event of unauthorized use, the authors will file a lawsuit for unauthorized use and copyright infringement against the User in question.

A legal or natural person using photographs from these websites is obligated to state that they are the property of the Zagreb Tourist Board archives, as well as to state the name and surname of the author of the photograph.

The manner in which websites and published content are accessed

Access to the websites is made possible to an unlimited number of people with the appropriate computer equipment and Internet connection. Zagreb Tourist Board reserves the right to, temporarily or for a longer period of time, partially or wholly restrict the manner and ability to access websites in certain cases (maintenance, failure, inaccessibility of communication links, higher power, decisions of public authorities, etc.) for Users collectively, to individual Users, or groups of Users. In any of the aforementioned cases, Zagreb Tourist Board can not be held liable for any damages incurred in limiting access to web pages and the published content.

When accessing web pages and content, the User is required to use standard technical equipment, usual standards, and manners of access to websites. Content published on the webpages can only be browsed through the application of permitted information technology methods, in the same way and to the amount and extent it is customary for the physical person of the User. Any other way of browsing and/or using content that bypasses protected systems and IT applications or where certain applications or tools are used to simultaneously download the amount of data that is not usual for the physical person of the User is a violation of the protected rights of the Zagreb Tourist Board, and makes the User liable for the appropriate material, criminal or misdemeanor punishment.

Third-party content

Websites may contain third-party content such as forums, screensavers, apps, etc., which third parties can download or create independently.

Zagreb Tourist Board does not guarantee that such content is fully exempt from the rights of third parties, particularly when related to intellectual property.

For these reasons, Zagreb Tourist Board is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the use of third-party content in any sense, regardless of them resulting from the requests of third parties or the incorrect functioning of the downloaded content.

The right to edit content

Zagreb Tourist Board reserves the right to change or terminate (temporarily and permanently) any content or service on its websites without prior notice and at any time and may not be held liable for any damage resulting from such action.

Links to external content

These websites also contain third-party information and/or links to other Internet content. Zagreb Tourist Board will not in any case be accountable for the content of external data sources that links on these web pages might lead to, nor is it accountable for or determines the manner and terms of use of such content.

Zagreb Tourist Board can not guarantee the availability of external content or the proper functioning of the links and may not be held liable for any damages resulting from using or accessing such content. The User is obligated to decide independently whether and how to access such content through the links on these websites and is solely responsible for such actions and is aware of the consequences that may result from doing so.

Opting out

By default, Google Analytics tracks how a user browses a website in order to create anonymous statistics that are used to improve user experience.

Do Not Track preferences

Do Not Track is a feature that allows visitors to opt out of the options that allow online pages to track them for any purpose, including the use of analytics, advertising networks, and social platforms. The Do Not Track option is available in a variety of browsers including:
Internet Explorer

  • If you enable the Do Not Track option in your browser, Google Analytics will respect your choice;
  • If you have enabled the Do Not Track option, you will not be tracked. This is an addition to the exclusion of collecting and analyzing data for creating statistics for our online site;
  • If you have not enabled Do Not Track, but decide to do so, the cookie titled piwik_ignore will be stored in your browser;Visitors with the cookie piwik_ignore will not be tracked by Google Analytics;
  • If you have disabled all cookies in your browser, we will still collect some general information about your visit (e.g., the number of visitors to our site), but it will be less accurate and your visits will not be monitored (Piwik cookies will not be used). 

Registered users

Zagreb Tourist Board may allow access to certain content only to registered Users. By registering on this website, the User is required to go through the registration process, enter the correct information, and select a username and password.

Zagreb Tourist Board reserves the right to terminate or deny access to an account and/or one or more services for which the user is registered without prior notice and/or explanation.

Zagreb Tourist Board shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the cancellation of an account and/or one or more services for which the User is registered nor for any damages resulting from unauthorized use of the account by third parties.

Severability clause

If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use are subsequently determined to be null and void, this fact will not affect other provisions of these Terms of Use, which remain valid.

Dispute settlement and applicable law

Any disputes relating to these Terms of Use, including disputes related to the issue of their inception, content, or termination, will be resolved in a peaceful manner, but if such resolution is not possible, the parties in question will agree on the jurisdiction of an applicable court in Zagreb.

These Terms of Use have been compiled in accordance with Croatian law and are subject to the Croatian law along with all disputes arising from these terms, without the application of the provisions of Croatian law that allow for the referral to laws of other states (renvoi) regarding parts where it is permitted by international regulations.

Privacy Policy and user data acquisition

Zagreb Tourist Board respects the privacy of their website Users.The information from the registration process and any other User data will not be disclosed to third parties nor will it be available to third parties unless such obligation is governed by applicable regulations.

Zagreb Tourist Board may, in accordance with the law, collect certain information about Users obtained during the use of these websites. The data collected by the Zagreb Tourist Board is primarily used to improve the functionality of these websites and their content to further focus on and adapt them to users, and can also be used for other activities that include the promotion of Zagreb tourism and the mission of the Zagreb Tourist Board, which includes, but is not limited to:

- Creating an analysis of User habits and preferences for market research and website optimization (including analyzes obtained through third-party tools, e.g. Google Analytics etc.);

- Adapting websites to new or different technical solutions or to the needs of the User;

- Optimizing the intuitive nature of websites and easing the use and manner of access to content;

- Remarketing User requests or retargeting the User for the purpose of promoting Croatian tourism.

For the purpose of collecting specific information on the activities or requests of the User, the Zagreb Tourist Board may use special small pieces of data called cookies, which are saved to the User's computer and are used to accomplish a particular purpose. In accordance with the aforementioned, Zagreb Tourist Board also posts the appropriate cookie policy on its websites and informs the Users about the cookie policy in an appropriate manner when the User uses the cookies for the first time. The cookie policy describes the types of "cookies"and for which purposes they are used by the Zagreb Tourist Board, and offers the User the possibility to refuse the use of cookies or to accept it in the manner and purpose of using them, in which case the Zagreb Tourist Board can not be held liable for any damages resulting in the storage and use of cookies in the manner and for the purpose for which the User has agreed to accept the cookie policy.

The cookie policy is posted separately from these Terms of Use, but is an integral part of these Terms of Use.

When the User accesses the website, the Zagreb Tourist Board can temporarily store the IP address of the User.IP addresses may be stored and used solely for the purpose of tracking the activities of the User on the websites (activity log) in order to detect violations of legal regulations or these Terms of Use, or establish illegal or otherwise unacceptable actions. IP address data and data from User activity monitoring can be transferred at any time to the competent authorities in order to establish any liability of the User based on the law. IP addresses and User activity data is stored temporarily, and for a maximum of one month.

We collect your personal information only when you provide us with the proper approval without any duress. We collect information about you from the moment you fill out the appropriate forms (such as the B2B application form for congresses or gatherings) or when you sign up for our newsletter, i.e. fill out the B2B alert form. We also collect your data via direct interaction by phone or e-mail if you request information, promotional materials and so forth from ZTB. You should keep in mind that non-personal information and data can be collected through our Internet servers or by using "cookies". The information about your use of our websites includes:

- Information collected through cookies or directly via user forms;
- Your IP address;
- Your e-mail address, name, and surname when entering your information for the newsletter or other forms;
- Time spent on a webpage;
- Most visited and most viewed sites and links on our websites;
- Most popular keywords that lead Users to websites owned by ZTB.
We guarantee to our Users that we will handle all personal information as confidential information and as business secrets.

Zagreb Tourist Board undertakes to protect the privacy of the Users of these websites, in accordance with applicable regulations and these Terms of Use, except in the case of violation of these Terms of Use or behavior by the User in a manner contrary to the applicable regulations.

Data processing

We collect, use, and process your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the provisions of the Act on Personal Data Protection or other valid regulations applicable in the Republic of Croatia governing the protection of personal data.
Zagreb Tourist Board will take the necessary measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, and will keep personal information accurate and up to date as much as possible.

We use the information received from you and about you for one or more of the following purposes:

- The collected information about you helps us to better respond to your individual needs and requests;
- For developing more efficient business practices and for the improvement of websites owned by ZTB (we are constantly working on improving web pages based on customer feedback);
- To update the information and data on the websites themselves, etc.;
- For sending publications and other promotional materials and brochures;
- For statistical data processing.
By providing your personal information, such as your e-mail address, phone number, etc., you are expressly consenting to Zagreb Tourist Board contacting and informing you for the purpose of providing services, thereby confirming that you are familiar with our Privacy Policy. In the case that you do not wish to receive notification about our services, you must notify Zagreb Tourist Board explicitly in writing (by e-mail or by registered post).
Personal data governed by and included in our Privacy Policy:

  • name and surname
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number, cell phone number or fax number
  • your preferences in order to improve our services
  • any other data you mention, but want to keep private
  • resumes during the employment process.

Content of the Privacy Policy

We do not sell, rent, or disclose your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent because that goes against our Privacy Policy and the Act on Personal Data Protection.
If the need to contact you with any promotional offers or services arises, we will ask you for approval.
Zagreb Tourist Board will not be held accountable for unintentional mistakes or mistakes due to a higher power that could harm the protection of your personal information, but we guarantee that such mistakes will be resolved as soon as possible if feasible. 
Zagreb Tourist Board collects only the personal information you have voluntarily provided and uses them for the purpose of providing the above-mentioned services. 
We do not require you to send us your information in order to access our site, nor do we require that you disclose more information than is necessary to use some of our services.
By filling out the online form, you warrant that the information you have provided is accurate and that you comply with the provisions of our Privacy Policy.

Links to third parties
We allow third parties to process your personal information only for certain purposes and require them to ensure the security of your personal information and act in accordance with the law. The use of your personal information for their own purposes is not permitted and this issue is solved by a contractual agreement between ZTB and the third party.

Privacy of data

We would like to point out that your personal information remains confidential when you visit a Zagreb Tourist Board website, unless you wish to volunteer such information. We undertake not to disclose your personal information to third parties, except in cases prescribed by applicable law.

Your approval
By using websites owned by ZTB, you are agreeing to the use of this Privacy Policy.

Right to complaint

At any time, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP), the competent body in the Republic of Croatia, regarding our collection and processing of your personal information.


If you have explicitly agreed to receive the Newsletter, we may send you an electronic bulletin with commercial advertising content. The information you submit in order to subscribe to the Newsletter will only be used to send the Newsletter. If you want to cancel your subscription to the Newsletter, you can do so at any time through the subscription termination option found in the Newsletter. In case of cancellation of the subscription, we will stop processing the personal information we have collected for this purpose.

We store the collected data only for the period during which you receive the bulletin and if you have not canceled your approval to receive the Newsletter.

Data processing for receiving Newsletters is necessary for achieving our legitimate interests. Therefore, you are not required to provide this information and/or the approval to receive the Newsletters. The legal basis for receiving the Newsletter is your approval (Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation ). In case you did not give your approval, Newsletters will not be sent to you in any form.

Changes to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Zagreb Tourist Board reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at any time and shall not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. Such changes will take effect on the day of publication on our websites.